I thought that Guilty might be interesting and I was attracted to the lilac note. I smelled no lilac from start to finish. Truth be told, I couldn't pick out one single note except for some patchouli and something amber. Patchouli can be a little iffy on my and amber is a no go most of the time for me. It was a messy floral oriental on my skin. After reading some reviews, I fail to see anything sexy or sensual about this one. Guilty just smells like so many mainstream women's perfumes. If Guilty is sexy to you, I would really like to introduce you to Shalimar (current formulation and maybe vintage) and I would like to introduce you to vintage Bal a Versailles. Sexy is not and should not be a squeaky clean smell. It's a human smell not a soap and water smell.
Yes, I don't like this perfume and happy that it was only a rollerball and not a full bottle of perfume. I do think that I associate sexy and sensual with MKK and vintage Bal a Versailles along with Shalimar. Maybe I've been spoiled with niche perfumery. Niche perfume doesn't seem to follow the trends like mainstream does. For so long, I've been pretty bored with mainstream and getting a little bored with niche as well.