Thursday, July 25, 2024

Gearing Up For Vacation

When I leave work at 8pm on Saturday, I will be on vacation. I spent some time today creating a grocery shopping list, making sure that my medication refills are called in and a couple other annoying things that needed to be handled. I am picking up the medications and groceries tomorrow and when it hits 8pm on Saturday, I can just go home and enjoy my vacation.

I started some preparations last week but some of that stuff fell apart and had to correct that stuff yesterday. I am not a coffee drinker but a tea drinker. My preferred drink is the Tazo chai concentrate. Pour in some milk, some tea and you can drink it hot or cold. I am too lazy to spend an extra two minutes heating it up so I just drink it cold. When Walmart started to offer delivery from store, I was mainly getting it that way instead of getting the 4 packs shipped to me two or three days after I ordered. But when I made a couple orders, I wasn't able to click the link on my phone to not have the substitutions. The Yogi chai tea is horrible, it tastes like sugar water with a little bit of honey mixed in. So yesterday's project was to return all of those things and make a Target order. With the rate that Walmart seems to be goofing up by not saying that they have something out of stock, Target seems to be a lot more consistent with this stuff.

What is getting me excited right now is that some furniture Jenga happened in my room and now I have a spot where I can actually burn some candles. So that is something that is going to happen sometime next week. I would like to get through at least one candle and start on another candle. This can't happen at a better time. Bath and Body Works is rolling out their fall candles. Thus far, Sweet Whiskey and Frozen Lake have been released and I am waiting on Honeycrisp Apple to make a comeback. If Apple Weather comes out, that will be a bonus. I am down to three Honeycrisp Apple candles and this is the candle that I stock up on every year outside of the Winter candle. Honeycrisp Apple is straight up apple with no pumpkin spice or anything pumpkin mixed in.

I do hope that I will be able to try something new in terms of perfume. I do have a couple things laid out and I am hoping that I do wear them and actually review. Once you get out of the habit of reviewing stuff, it's really hard to get back into the habit of doing reviews. While I am at it, why not see if I can start reading some of those books that I have stored on my Kindle. I seriously need to get back into the habit of reading as well.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Amazon Prime Day and Chanel no 5

 Well, tomorrow and Wednesday is Amazon Prime day. I am not exactly buying anything for me because there is nothing that I truly need but I am doing some shopping for other people. What was going on with my Kindle was that I had too many background things running and that is what was draining my battery and part of the reason of why the stupid thing wasn't charging. My mother needs a new Kindle because hers is just about dead. As soon as I order her that Kindle, I will be redeeming a $25 gift card and order my dad that one of those Xbox games that he has been thinking about for his birthday. If there is anything left over with that gift card, I will either buy a cheap book or an episode of Daria. Daria is one of those MTV shows that I loved and that was when MTV was still pretty good. But we shall see.

But for the past couple months, I have been wearing a whole lot of Chanel no 5 on days that I have to go to work. The only formulation of no 5 I won't wear is the parfum. The parfum is just too fabulous to wear to work. It's a good thing that I have so much no 5 that I can wear it with abandon. The only other perfume that I have been wearing to work is CdG Kyoto. With all the heat that we have been having, I want something a little more dry and cooling. I could probably go for L'Air du Desert but it doesn't have the cooling effect that Kyoto does.

I still haven't gotten that stupid dresser into my bedroom. It seems like every time I want to do just that, my mother changes her mind. What I had to do is tell her is that I am tired of most of my belongings spread across three rooms. I would love to get that dresser in my room and go through my clothes and figure out what do I want to keep, throw out or donate. What I truly want to do is actually use some of my candles. I have no place high enough to use my candles. My nightstand is too low, the high boy dresser has a TV and I would rather not destroy that. I would love to have a spot to show case some of my perfumes and have a little more selection than what I have now.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Grocery Delivery and Chanel no 19

 I have blogged fairly recently about Door Dash and have made some comments about having food delivered. But somethings have changed in the past couple weeks. I have become one of those psychos that gets most of my groceries delivered now. I have epilepsy and I do not drive. It's a tough thing to go grocery shopping. When I leave work, I try to grab the things I need and head home. I know that for $100 a year, I can join the Target Circle and get free same day delivery. Since I am on Medicaid, I can get Amazon Prime and Walmart Plus for much less. But if I am not shopping on Amazon or Walmart, I would need to spend at least $10 per order and most places have some kind of minimum threshold before I can get same day delivery and this is not including tip.

For quite a while, the Walmart closest to me did not do same day delivery to my house. I live in a goofy spot. Most places either don't deliver or charge a little more. I live in a rural area and not being able to drive, I am more dependent on delivery services more than your average person. But in the past two and a half weeks, I have been able to have groceries delivered to my house at no extra charge from Walmart. I guess all that griping on Twitter might have paid off. I can't be the only disabled person that is a little more reliant on delivery services. My blind friend has the same issues with trying to find rides and someone help her with grocery shopping. I gave her the heads up with Walmart Plus. Why not give someone else a helping hand? So my dry goods are delivered to my door and I pick out my fruits, veggies and meat in person. I can't fully trust someone else to pick out those things yet. Some people like the convenience but it's a lifeline for me.

I am still having some issues with the most current version of no 19 EDP. The bottle that I currently have is at least 10 plus years old. Last week, I had a huge hankering for some no 19 and found my 2 vintage versions of the EDP. While I do have a couple vintage travel EDT versions, I couldn't really get to those. The bottle in the picture might be from sometime in the 80's or 90's. I will admit that I enjoy the vintage version of no 19 much better than the current version. I think that it is the musk that is used in the vintage that I like a little better. The whole set up in the vintage version of no 19 seems to be better. I know reformulations are inevitable but I am not the biggest fan of them. Most of the time, reformulations make a perfume worse off. Mitsouko is one of the few perfumes that in spite of not having actual oakmoss in it anymore, the reformulation has Mitsouko still smelling like Mitsouko. If someone tried to bring back Deneuve, it probably wouldn't smell like it should. But is Deneuve was rereleased, I would still give it a go because why shouldn't I give it a shot?

Monday, July 1, 2024

Amouage Epic

If memory serves me right, Amouage Epic for women was my second Amouage purchase. I had bought it from Luckyscent, this was back in the day where I was wary of purchasing decants from the Perfumed Court. I remembered liking it but not really understanding it. Mind you, I was an inexperienced perfumista and never really explored perfume in depth before. Before I was seriously into perfume, I mainly wore Clinique Happy, Estee Lauder Pleasures, CK Obsession and BBW Cucumber Melon. You know, perfumes that were easy to get and with the exception of Obsession, cheap and fairly easy to wear. What mostly attracted me to Epic was the story of Turnadot because I love the aria, Nessun Dorma and the green bottle and green is my favorite perfume.

I still haven't gotten that dresser into my bedroom and don't have a whole lot of access to most of my collection but managed to get my hands on my bottle of Epic. But a funny thing happened. It was either Monday of last week or Wednesday, I had worn Epic. I remember it being in the 80's and pretty humid. I haven't worn the EDP in quite a while so I decided to put some on. I think that because I haven't really worn Epic a whole lot recently, the perfume in the spray mechanism was probably getting on the stale side. This was the first time that I had really noticed the oud in Epic. There were always hints of something sour to my nose but I never could quite put two and two together. I think when I did review an amber dominant perfume and then another oud dominant perfume, I realized that amber and oud  perfumes were not exactly my thing or something that I would be iffy on.

Epic was always this spicy rose with a hint of resin but never smelled a whopping dose of oud in it before. Even my dabber of Epic 56 doesn't give my a huge dose of oud but with the decant being a dabber, I wouldn't be able to get the full effect of Epic 56. But I am thinking that Epic might be more of a winter perfume. Since I am slowly working my way through my Amouages, the only two that I really seem to be enjoying are Jubilation 25 and Lyric. All the other ones that I have, there is something in them that is starting to bother me. Maybe my tastes have changed or there might be notes in the Amouage bottles that I own that I have never liked. It kind of makes me sad though. I have spent a small fortune on Amouage perfumes already.