Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's a New Year

It's a new year with the potential for many adventures or misadventures, especially when it comes to perfume. From a day or two before Thanksgiving until the day after Christmas, I usually do have a perfume misadventure. Sometimes it is me dropping a decant and breaking it or wearing something I like for a holiday and most everyone is making not always pleasant comments about.

This time, it's been a little over 2 years that I've had a full bottle misadventure. Shortly after Thanksgiving 2010, I ordered a full bottle of Frapin's 1270 and it had taken about a month for it to arrive at my doorstep. I initially thought that the Perfume Shoppe being located in Canada and it being around Thanksgiving here, it may take a little longer. About two weeks later, I received a phone call saying that there was a mix up. Eventually, it was worked out. On Christmas, Santa brought me a $100 Amazon gift card and I couldn't wait much longer. The day after Christmas, I took the plunge and used that $100 towards a full bottle of Amouage Lyric. What really pushed me was that the 3rd party seller (Lady Ruth Perfumes) was running a little bit of a sale on most of the Amouage line. I have ordered Amouage Memoir through Amazon from Lady Ruth Perfumes and had a great experience, so it I wasn't concerned about getting the wrong product or getting a fake product. Sometime on the 29th, I had gotten an email saying that Lyric had shipped but on the 31st, I had received a phone call. I was informed that they were out of the Lyric for women in the 1.7 ounce size but they were able to ship me a 3.4 ounce bottle for no additional cost. I was a little confused because I had the email from Amazon saying that it was shipped. I still don't know what to make of the whole situation even though I took up the offer of a larger bottle. I will wait for my package to show up before I make any final decision.

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