Friday, June 14, 2019


Throughout my perfume journey, I went and still do go through phases. First it was Chanel's Cuir de Russie, Mitsouko, Lyric, Deneuve and probably a few others.

I couldn't help but think is I obsessed over some of these perfumes, I saved up for some of these only to not wear them. That made me ask, "what the hell, genius, why aren't you wearing the hell out of this?' I have gotten into the funk of wearing the same old thing. Mostly wearing Tauer offerings. Now I am starting up on wearing no 5 exclusively for no good reason.

Some of this is because I don't carry a purse and full bottles of anything don't quite fit into. There really isn't any place to store anything safely and I am paranoid about my stuff getting stolen. Especially my wallet. Who wants to make a billion phone calls and wait for your cards to be replaced? And go to get their license replaced? So I just keep a credit card and my license in a pocket that zips. Since my fleece work jackets that work gives employees, the pockets are not that big, just big enough to hold my cellphone, my iPod and a decant of perfume. In theory, I can probably fit a full bottle in the pocket but I am not willing to test that theory.

Sometimes, it's the people I get to live with. The comments of it's gross, smells weird, smell like an old lady or has a cat piss vibe is what I get a lot. So figure, why wear it? Maybe I should start wearing some of these when I go to bed at night because I sleep with one of my dogs and the dog won't complain.

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