Thursday, September 30, 2021

No 5 Eau Premiere and Other Things

I've been wearing boatloads of Chanel recently and already bought boatloads in the past year and I am taking a little bit of a break from the house of Chanel. It's the fact that I have seemed to neglect so many of my other perfumes. Amouage, vintage BaV and a few others have been seriously neglected.

Initially, when I bought that travel spray set of no 5 Eau Premiere, it didn't smell like it had been tinkered with. Eau Premiere has been tinkered with. I mentioned before that the current edp smells quite a bit different than what I had gotten 6 years previously. My full bottle of Eau Premiere was procured when Eau Premiere made it's debut. The Eau Premiere tinkering is more along the lines of what happened with the current no 5 proper edp. The reformulation is slightly noticeable but not something huge. I still love Eau Premiere but hate reformulations. I get that reformulations happen for many reasons but there is no reason to screw up a perfume, especially if it is a classic.

We have barely started fall and Bath and Body Works has started to drop their winter line up. This is just insanity, it was maybe mid July, that Bath and Body Works started to drop their fall line up. It seems like seasonal line ups are released earlier and earlier. Especially this year though. Not sure if it is because the pandemic is still going on or what is going to be happening with the whole Christmas season and the American postal service. Every time that I watch the news, the news people seem to be asking store owners about the Christmas season. The answer always seems to be the same, they don't know what they will be getting in their shipments or even if they will get anything. I am about 2/3's done with my Christmas shopping but with the postal service, I will probably need to order things earlier than I really want to.

Yes, the Winter candle from Bath and Body Works has just come out and I did order 3 of them. I wasn't able to really stock up on them due to a poorly planned out Bath and Body Works Candle Day sale. I'm still trying to use up or get rid of candles but yet, I still end up getting more. I have half a mind to see if there is one consignment shop near me that will off load some of these candles or maybe I could donate some. I'm all set on apple candles though.

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