Saturday, November 6, 2021

Her by Burberry Review

 The holiday Sephora sale has started already but I have to wait until the 9th before it begins for me. Simply because I am a VIB member but I can afford to wait. I don't want a whole bunch but a couple things are Christmas gifts. Sephora isn't a place that I shop too often. For most of my makeup and to a lesser extent, perfume, that honor is pretty much reserved for Ulta.

About a month ago, I got a little gift set thing of Her by Burberry and now I have gotten around to testing it out. I do love travel sprays and those little gift sets that have a lotion and travel spray. The one I got had the travel spray and a hand lotion and was inexpensive enough. I have been interested enough to start exploring the Burberry offerings. I wasn't too impressed with Brit and I figured that I shouldn't judge a house by trying just one of their perfumes.

For the first couple minutes of Her, I thought it smelled alright and might like it. Nope, I don't like it at all and it's to the point of hating it. I am definitely not a fan of overripe/rotting fruit note and Her has that in spades. Amouage Lyric flirts with overripe but never goes in that direction but Rochas Femme and Jubilation 25 do. Jubilation 25 is something I don't reach for often and I don't wear Rochas Femme and I have a decant of that one. Anything fruity is a crap shoot, I either love it or I hate it and Her by Burberry is a hate. I have a mini of Her Blossom and will give that a try eventually but if it's another no go, then Burberry is just not for me.

I've noticed that when I first started blogging about perfume, I always tried to like everything and find something good to say, even if I didn't quite like it. Around 10 years in, I am not afraid to say that I don't like something or just plain old hate it and I am pretty much going to say it outright. Being a perfume nut for so long and testing so much, I know what I like and don't like. I'm not afraid to say that I still love Clinique Happy or Estee Lauder Pleasures even though they were my high school defaults. I don't quite look down on things that are cheap but sometimes do. Now I must wash the Her by Burberry off and put on something that I love to pieces.

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