Last weekend I meant to file my taxes but got sidetracked with other things. But I did manage to file them yesterday. I am hoping that I will get my refund relatively quickly. My plan is to pay off my Sephora and Ulta credit card bill and pay off the rest of another credit card. I just want to get ahead of some things.
The flies in my ointment is that since I have a new puppy, she needs more puppy shots and my dog food bills have gone up due to it. The other fly is the Sephora sale that is coming up sometime in April. I might have gift cards but I don't want to go hog wild.
The great debate is either get that massive bottle of Coco Mademoiselle Intense or another bottle of no 5 parfum. I am leaning towards the CM bottle because I already have tons of no 5 and I don't need more of no 5. I don't need anymore perfume but it's hard to pass up a sale. Rarely there is a sale when Chanel is included. Ulta does have perfume sales but never seems to include Chanel. So let's hope that Sephora hasn't changed the whole sale policy when it comes to Chanel.
It's been a long assed time since I have bought any kind of perfume that was larger the 100ml. A couple times, I could have but didn't. Something else always seemed to demand my attention and funds. I needed shoes or I have something else that was somewhat expensive that needed to be replaced or fixed. At this point, I am hoping that things financially will be okay and no major disaster will happen that requires funds.
Sunny, the puppy, I think has gotten used to us and bonded with us. Because now she is a little terror. She wakes me up between 4 and 4:30 every morning wanting to go to the bathroom and eat. After those things are finished, she will not settle down. She wants to cuddle for a few minutes and then she wants to play. But there comes a certain point, shortly before 7 that she seems to get a little bored with me playing with her. She wants my other dog and father to come down so she can play with them. When that happens, she can make all the noise she wants. I would rather her not wake the household at 5 in the morning with her barking. At this point, I can't wait until she gets a little older and she will sleep a little longer and I won't be so sleep deprived.