Monday, June 17, 2024

The Perfumes That I Wish Would Come Back

Here in Ohio, we are in the beginnings of a heatwave. My household turned on the air conditioning this morning. Usually it is my mother that doesn't want the air conditioning turned on, this time it was my dad. He said it wasn't quite hot enough. So this week it's probably going to be a week of no 19 edt, Jicky and Worth Courtesan. Even with air conditioning, I don't want anything too heavy. 

So far, I have more access to my perfume collection and was able to pull out Une Rose Chypree and my Taur samples. I am still trying to locate my bottle of Une Rose Vermeille but I have my 2 spray vials of it to tide me over. I just don't want to pull out the unopened bottle of Une Rose Vermeille yet.

It seems like shortly before the pandemic, Andy Tauer had made a slew of discontinuations. Noontide Petals, Une Rose Chypree and Une Rose Vermeille were discontinued pretty quickly. A few others were discontinued along with the three I just mentioned. I had managed to nab backup bottles of Noontide Petals and Vermeille but wasn't quick enough to grab a bottle of Chypree. Even though I have a more difficult relationship with Vermeille, I do enjoy it. Vermeille has a huge raspberry note that can be irritating on the wrong day but Vermeille has the lasting power of nuclear waste. Even after using Tide, Dawn dish soap and a couple showers, Vermeille is still there. Which is pretty strange because I have dry skin and even with lotion, my skin still eats perfume like their is no tomorrow. Maybe Andy Tauer had to make some cuts to his line up and those three ended up on the chopping block.

There are other perfumes like Guerlain's Liu and L'Heure de Nuit that I would love to see a comeback. Liu was Guerlain's take on no 5 and L'Heure de Nuit was L'Heure de Bleue toned down. I did manage to get a bottle of L'Heure de Nuit but not Liu. But a whole lot of these purchases were made in better times. But I think with Liu and L'Heure de Nuit, they were bee bottle exclusives and probably too expensive for a lot of people to really buy.

But I am hoping that some, if not all, of these perfumes will come back. Guerlain has the means to do this, especially will all of the Shalimar flankers that they have cranked out in the past few years.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Amouage Guidance 46 and the Exceptional Extraits Thoughts

What was it, a couple months ago that Amouage released two more Exceptional Extraits? I know that Dia and the men's Jubilation were the two and now Amouage has come out with a new one. This time, it's Guidance 46.

I haven't paid too much attention to Amouage since the release of Beloved. With any perfume house, after a while, it becomes to be almost too much work to keep track. Too many perfumes and never enough money to get samples. I think when Epic 56 was released, I started to somewhat follow Amouage again.

In some ways, it's a little bit of a relief that it would be Guidance 46. I have yet to test out any of the new Amouage offerings after Beloved. I adore Epic 56 but can't afford it. But I would be really screwed if Lyric came out as an Exceptional Extrait. I adore Lyric. I love it to the point of where I had to have the travel spray, two full bottles and a couple decants of the extrait. The only reason that I don't have a full bottle of the extrait is that the stars and my bank account never quite aligned themselves to where that was possible. I am on the last little bits of the Lyric soap and lotion and probably will not be getting more. The Amouage bath stuff is more on the difficult side to locate and buy. If they cam out with a Memoir or a Jubilation 25 in the Exceptional Extrait version, I would be truly screwed. I am not so eager to test out Dia. I find that Dia can be a little hard to wear and I do love Dia. But I would love to see Lyric as an Exceptional Extrait and would probably find a way to get my hands on a decant.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Feeling a Little More Depressed Than Normal

 It seems like I have been back sliding in lots of ways at the moment. It seemed like I was doing alright with starting to save money for a bankruptcy lawyer and the nonsense that goes along with it but I am not fully sure what happened though. Maybe I started to get a little reckless. The recent Luckyscent purchase of Pichola was reckless and it doesn't matter if I used Afterpay or not, it was still reckless. My budget was a whopping total of $50 and it was a gift card through Afterpay, That was a little on the reckless side, I probably could have made due with only $25. But there were a couple Ulta orders that would be okay but would have been better off not spending that at all. I will admit that it felt good to actually pay my cellphone bill in full and on time for 2 months in a row. I struggled with the cellphone bill. I would always be waiting until a week after my cellphone bill was due to make a partial payment and then on my next paycheck, pay the rest of it.

The last of my packages came today, I am going to see what I can do to get myself back on track. First thing is to work on paying off my Afterpay balance. While I am working on the Afterpay balance, I have to work on getting back to basics in terms of spending. That means that I either have to fully stop any kind of frivolous spending or cut way back on it. I am not fully sure on why my depression felt worse. Every time my depression gets the better of me, I do have the tendency to do some retail therapy. Getting a package in the mail can give me something to look forward to but I can't do that so much anymore. The only thing is that my dad's birthday is in August and I am still picking my brain on what to get him. So I am working on banking my Rewarded Play point balance so I am able to pick out something on Amazon. I was thinking about an Xbox game but something else might catch my fancy.

This is some of the issue with Afterpay, you would be amazed on how many things become more "affordable". Yes, there is no  interest but it lets me pay for things in 4 installments and I have to pay every 2 weeks. It's great until you have a bigger balance and all these payments to make. It might be a wise idea to take the Afterpay app off of my phone when I pay Afterpay off. Then I cannot use Afterpay if I have less access to it.

The health insurance that I have only covers so much. I don't know how mental health has become to be viewed as something that should be limited. Just like I have teeth that need crowns, health insurance considers that cosmetic. So I am limited on where I can go when it comes to therapy if I want to get as much therapy as I can possibly get.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Neela Vermeire Pichola and Luckyscent

 Ever since the verdict for the Trump trial came down on, what was it, Thursday, I have been avoiding Twitter and most news sites. Too many people saying that the former president wasn't guilty. Well, the justice system worked as it should have and we don't always get the outcome that we want. I won't comment anymore about that other than I was wearing Mitsouko that day.

For the most part, I have been avoiding Luckyscent. If I do go to the Luckyscent website, it's mostly to window shop. But this time I wasn't quite so lucky. When Luckyscent sends me emails about discounted items, I do look but I don't partake. Most things, even when discounted are either out of my price range or sounds like something that I would hate. I was just poking around the sale items and stumbled upon the Neela Vermeire Pichola travel sprays. The going rate for 2 15ml travel sprays  was $96. I wasn't exactly going to complain about the price for an ounce of niche perfume. So this purchase was unexpected and will have to be probably the only perfume purchase that I will make for the year. Mind you, I know I have a Neela Vermeire sample set running around somewhere but I just don't know where.

But with the Prada Infusion d'Iris travel spray (Sephora now carries the Prada Infusion line) and now the Pichola travel spray, it seems like I am really starting to get into the whole travel spray thing. I have plenty of the Chanel travel sprays but I find those to be a little on the bulky side for travel sprays. If space in my purse is at a premium, why do I want to have something so bulky? Most travel sprays that I have are pretty sleek and don't take up the amount of space that a Chanel spray does. I love travel sprays to keep in my freezer coat for when I need to be in the freezer.

I am going to have to kind of take back about not being able to spend money on perfume for the rest of the year. I have a little over $250 worth of Ulta points that I can use. What I am probably going to do is see what I can bank towards either my birthday or maybe around Christmas. I think that those Ulta points might come in handy later on in the year. Since Ulta has started to carry the Tocca line, I have been eyeing the Guiletta perfume. Maybe I will get Guiletta and another bottle of the original Coco but we will see that the end of the year will bring.