Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Amouage Honour Woman Extrait Review


Amazon Prime Day ends today and I am still not seeing anything that I need for a good price. No good book deals, well, on the books that I want to get. But my parents had a field day with getting all kinds of things. I decided to get only 1 book on my wish list.

My dog's vet appointment is tomorrow and as far as I can tell, I do think that I will be OK financially but only tomorrow will tell. I don't think that the appointment in itself will be too bad but the medication he is on is where I am kind of worried. The medication is more of an expected expense but a vet visit is not exactly. But to have both the medication and a vet visit in the same week seems to be a little much. I shall see what the final bill is for both of them tomorrow. My local pharmacy always seems to get a little salty when I use GoodRx but I don't care.

Now off to the review but in many ways it's not really a review. It's been a few years since I had Amouage Honour on skin. I remember enjoying it on skin but not much else. It's supposed to be more of a gardenia type thing. Nope it's more of an aquatic tuberose type of thing, not really a gardenia thing. I have never been a fan of anything tuberose dominant. In extrait form, it's nothing but aquatic tuberose to my nose with not a whole lot going on development wise. I think that I was eager to get and like Honour in the beginning and did like the EDP but I will have to dig out a decant of the EDP to see. I think that I was more enamored with the concept of Madam Butterfly, the white bottle and the word gardenia. The extrait is not for me and my bank account is happy with that.

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