Saturday, October 24, 2020

More Accidents


Yesterday was a little bit of a panicky day. I was getting ready for work yesterday, somehow my little mini of L'Air du Desert Morocain got knocked over onto some tile and broke. Well, the corner broke and some of the perfume came out. I managed to save most of it and I spent hours trying to find what little I had of decanting supplies to salvage the rest of it. I found the last 3ml empty decant after I ordered 4 5ml travel sprays off of Amazon. Eventually I was going to condense some other decants in the interests of space. I have so many decants of LADDM and I am going to move those into one of those 5ml decants. But when I was transferring that mini to the empty decant, what was probably 1 or 2 ml went all over my hand. As much as I adore LADDM, it was too much, even when I washed my hands. So I spent all of last night and most of the morning in way too much LADDM. I think that I am going to give LADDM a huge rest for a little bit. I hate it when things like this happen. I have had it happen to a bottle of vintage Bal a Versailles and Mitsouko and managed to save a fair chunk of both. I missed out on grabbing a bottle of Une Rose Vermeille and I am a little bummed about that but things didn't pan out the way that I hoped

Bath and Body Works is really starting to drop their winter/Christmas offerings. I don't give a crap about their body products anymore, I just find them to be overpriced for what they really are. What I really go for is their candles. I was excited when they finally brought out the Winter candles along with the Fresh Balsam. It seemed like it was either yesterday or the day before they finally brought out the Evergreen candles. I love the Fresh Balsam and Evergreen during winter. The Frozen Lake is nice enough but I don't consider that one to really be a wintry type of candle. When Candle Day hits, I will stock up on the Winter, Evergreen and Fresh Balsam. Well, we shall see how much cash I can stockpile for Candle Day, namely in the form of gift cards since it seems like I get most of my candles around Candle Day and shortly after Christmas.

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