But couldn't help but think about all of the people on Twitter who decided to be idiots and be political about the queen dying. Folks, Queen Elizabeth was a figurehead, not a politician. The woman had no political power and no bearing on what laws were passed, if you are going to criticize the things that happened during her reign, look at the various governments she had. If you otherwise don't do that, you are just a fucking asshole. I shouldn't really be surprised at how many assholes there are in the world.
Right now, I am on my 3rd week of vacation this year. I have some rough plans but nothing set in stone. I don't have tons of cash but I do want to do some things. One of them is the art museum and the other is the Mansfield Reformatory but other than that, it's up in the air. I am happy to have the ability to wear any perfume that I want to wear without any kind of restrictions. On days that I have to work, I do have to be mindful about what I pick out in terms of perfume. I don't want something too heavy because I work in a bakery and it gets pretty hot there. Nor do I want to wear my favorites in case I have a hard day at work and why ruin that favorite with a bad association.
Currently, I have 3 candles going right now and I am hoping that those will be finished by Tuesday. The other 3 that I have picked out, I hope to have finished by Saturday. If I finish more, that would be awesome. I am trying to scrap together some money to set aside for the Bath and Body Works Candle Day sale. Whatever I can save up is going to be great and whatever candles that I can use up before than would be awesome. It's funny that I am trying to finish up some candles only to get more. But with winter being on it's way and all, I still want to make sure that I do have a decent amount of candles. The Honeycrisp Apple and Apple Weather ones that I do have, my mother doesn't like and she says that they stink, so I must be a little more careful with those. I might have a decent supply of the Winter candles but I want to get more of those and maybe add some Evergreen candles.We shall see how that goes before Candle Day. And no, I don't plan on setting foot in a Bath and Body Works store on that day.
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