Friday, September 18, 2020

It's Fall Again


Fall is pretty much here in Ohio, or at least starting up. Cooler temps, it's getting darker, earlier and I am starting to break out the cold weather clothes. And the heavy hitters in terms of perfume. 

Since I have been on vacation, I have finished 2 candles and about half way on my 3rd candle and by either tomorrow or Sunday at the very outside, I will be finishing that candle. I am just wanting to get as many as I can used up. When I was looking at the burn time for the Bath and Body Works single wick and 3 wick candles, the burn time is pretty much the same. So I am probably going to start favoring the single wick candles. But I still need to work on trying to use up the 3 wick candles and try not to go hog wild on Candle Day.

I've been keeping a casual eye on what's happening in the political arena. I know I might mention something in passing but don't get into depth with this. I'm not like many in my family who are pretty much watching the news 24/7 right now because of politics. I am not keeping the closest eye because it's gotten much too polarized and I refuse to engage and I refuse to get all worked up over something that I can't control outside of casting my ballot. I was surprised when I read a few minutes ago the Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away. A woman who fought for women and the disabled like me. Justice Ginsberg took a real beating with her many battles with cancer and still fought on, trying to protect rights and not have them restricted.

I am also keeping an eye on the battle over the 2nd stimulus bill. I am not really expecting any monies to hit my bank account like the first one but I do hope that some ends up in my bank account. If a 2nd stimulus bill passes and cash gets deposited I hope to pay off a credit card or two and get that bottle of Coromandel. But I am not going to hold my breath at this point. This stupid thing has been going on since what, May? Let's get going on this nonsence and just pass, preferably with actual cash going to the American people so they can pay for a roof over their heads or get some groceries.

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