Sunday, December 4, 2022

Candle Day 2022 and Vacation

I did make it through the Bath and Body Works 2022 Candle Day sale. I think that this candle sale was probably set up much better. The price of the candles ($9.95) was awesome, I didn't have to wait in the online queue for too long and I managed to get most of what I wanted. Even though I had some Lavender and Linen in my shopping bag, they were sold out before I could get my hands on some. I was bummed about that but I am going to try some Leather and Brandy instead. I didn't load up on too many Winter candles because I have enough of those and I do need some lighter smelling candles that are geared for the winter weather. Now I am hoping that I will be able to snag some Lavender and Linen in the semi annual sale. Now I just have to wait until that pesky package ships.

For quite a while, I was worried about what price the candles were going to be for Candle Day. Last year, they were around $11 per candle and maybe a little less the year before that. Price always dictates how much of anything that I am going to buy. But for $9.95 per candle, I was able to get 12 candles. Could I have gone for the full 18? Yep, but I couldn't justify ordering that in a single sitting. I probably shouldn't have gotten 12 but after yesterday's 14 hour power outage, I think it was probably a good idea.

Today is the first day of my final vacation for the year of 2022. I have no plans for the week even though I have a little bit of cash until payday but I might see what kind of museums are around or any kind of low cost events that are going on. I am happy just to have a week that I don't have to be anywhere or events that I have to go to. I can just go at my own pace this week. Let's hope that I can motivate myself to do some actual perfume reviewing.

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