Saturday, July 18, 2020

More Candle Chatter

It seems like every time that I finish off two candles, I always seem to add two more to my collection. When I did a count last night, the grand total was 36 candles. Now is the time to really start powering through some of these candles. I want to try and go through 1 or 2 candles a week just to whittle it down to a more manageable amount. What is that manageble number? I have no idea yet, I just want less stuff lying around and more space.

All of my candles come from Bath and Body Works. I think the throw from these candles are pretty good but they come out strong with being burned. The longest that I can burn a candle is about 3 hours before I have to put it out. Even though most of my collection is the 3 wick candles, I am attacking the single wick ones. Partially, because they are smaller and I can get rid of them faster but the spot where they are is where I can really use the space first for other things.

Since I have burned through about single wick candles, I don't think I am the fan I used to be of the BBW candles as I once was. I noticed that there was a bigger uneven burn issue and I have had an issue with tunneling when I was burning the candle. So it probably was a good idea that I made the decision to get the show on the road and start with the single wick candles. But I have to really think about when I am going to burn the Honeycrisp and Heirloom Apple candles though. There is a person that I live with that hates the smell of those candles and I can't burn those at this point. I love straight up apple smelling candles but when someone hates them, I have to be cautious on when I can burn them.

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