Monday, December 28, 2020

Post Christmas

Christmas has come and gone and now I have to gear up for New Year's.  As of right now, I am waiting for a load of laundry to dry and plotting my next few moves. In a couple ways, I made out like a bandit for Christmas. Had enough in Amazon gift cards to order a new pair of shoes that I desperately needed and with some left over to either do a Prime Pantry order or books. I am kind of leaning towards a Prime Pantry order and not books.

Every time I say that I won't get anymore candles, I end up getting more. But I just got through counting the ones that I have in the house and the ones that are on the way, the grand total is 46 candles. When that fact hit me, I realized that I really needed to quit. Today was the last day for me to actually get some candles and finish off a gift card. The semi annual sale at Bath and Body Works is pretty lackluster online and even more lackluster in the stores. Prices were alright but nothing really wowed me to really spend. I will admit that I like to shop but I have to be a lot more careful and look for some really good deals. Since the holiday season in just about over, I am looking at more reduced means because it's, you know, retail and nobody buys much of anything after the holidays. 

I am looking forward to spring though. Looking forward to the days when the weather warms up and stays warm, the sun not setting so soon in the evening, not having to wonder when the next polar vortex, freezing rain or snow storm is coming. The days that I can have my windows open and then I can burn, I mean, really burn my candles without someone in my house complaining. An open window allows that but why should I open a window when it's cold out? I keep hoping that I am going to catch a break somewhere at this point. Between the dogs and the holidays and not knowing what's going to happen in the next two weeks.

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