Wednesday, December 9, 2020

YSL Black Opiom EDP Review


It's been a while since I have done any kind of reviewing and now it's about time to do one. I haven't really been in the mood to review let alone try anything new. I really can't afford new perfumes any way. If I do have some spare cash for some, I have to use that cash wisely. That Coco Mademoiselle Intense mini travel spray was a little bit of an impulse buy along with being a little bit of a blind buy. I know what the original smells like but I am never close enough to be able to go into a mall to see if I could get a sniff or maybe a sample. With Covid, I am trying to avoid being in public as much as I can. If I am not at work, I am home, so outings are pretty limited to more essential stuff.

Last night, I tried YSL Black Opium EDP to see if there was anything interesting. The only things that are interesting to be is the bottle itself and the color of the perfume. Black Opium is marketed as vibrant and sensual and it's anything but. How can coffee or cedarwood be sensual? I smell hints of coffee but very light and vague hints of it and I don't smell cedar in there either. Patchouli? Nope, can't smell that either. White flowers? All I smell is tuberose and an aquatic one at that. Basically, this smells like so many other reasonably priced mainstream perfumes that I've smelled a million times before; in a million different ways. This is in no way sensual. Shalimar is sensual so is Worth Courtesan. Vintage Bal a Versailles is flat out skank along with MKK. I hope perfume companies are listening when I say this. Sensual is not a weak, vapid smell. Sensual and skank have teeth, claws and a brain. Needless to say that this one won't be in my collection and I can save some cash in that department.

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