Wednesday, December 30, 2020

It's Almost a New Year


We are about embark on a new year and leave the year 2020 behind. It's been a long year and it's been a tough one.

I am not making any real resolutions this year. One thing I want to do is really straighten out my financials not just kind of straighten it out. I kind of half assed it this year but I just need to really get moving on this. The other thing is to really start is actually finish bottles of perfume and get a move on with using up some candles. It seems like as soon as I make actual progress with candles, I buy more but this time, I really got to make progress. I need, you know, space and I am running out of space. I am about to go through my book collection to see if I can offload some at Half Priced Books or any kind of place that buys used books. Space and cash is probably going to be my biggest thing this year. Jake's upcoming surgery was the wakeup call to take a look at a lot of the messy parts of my life and really start fixing them. I also plan on doing some big home projects that involve getting rid of stuff.

This year, I seemed to wear a lot of no 5, no 22, Kyoto and Shalimar. I was wearing Jicky quite a bit earlier in the year but I haven't been able to since my grandmother passed in April. Coromandel is still on my list for a full bottle purchase and I am hoping that this year will be the year where it's possible to add that to my collection. I am hoping that I am able to get the Covid-19 vaccine soon and just an easier year this year. We can only hope that the new year will be better than this year.

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