Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Random Stuff


It looks like I will be getting that bottle of Coromandel that I have been wanting for the past couple years. Probably in the next month if all goes according to plan. I haven't been able to buy a lot of perfume in the past few years, especially the past year. Things financially haven't been that great for me and a lot of other people this past year. Even though I have worked through the pandemic, prices of so many things have gone up and my paycheck has remained the same. I haven't really been able to buy decants like I used to. Yes, I have bought candles but have always waited for pretty good sales and looked at my bank account first before I did buy any.

Speaking of candles, I mainly get mine at Bath and Body Works and they might not be the cheapest ones around, but I like the quality. I might not like foody or super sweet, I have a few seasonal ones that I like. With that brawl that happened in an Arizona Bath and Body Works, I can't fully be sure on who is fully to blame for that, employees or customers. I have seen and experienced shitty behavior from employees but have experienced even shittier behavior from other customers. I can't really go blaming the pandemic for this, I have to go with the corporate culture. Customer is king and the customer is always right have let customers get away with bad behavior for too long. This is going to be a wait and see type of thing since I am curious on the outcome.

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