Sunday, January 30, 2022

Gearing Up for Another Storm

 Right now, it looks like another winter storm is headed my way and naturally, I am going to be working. Well, I only have to work one of those days but it still sucks. When I go into work tomorrow, I will be dealing with tons of people panic buying groceries. I live in Ohio and this kind of stuff is nothing new. It rains and it snows here. What I am doing and going to be doing is trying to get stuff down around the house and really keep on it. Who knows if I will lose electricity and I don't want a sink full of dirty dishes from the night before and with no way to wash them and I have to remember that tonight I need to take the garbage to the curb. The less I have hanging over my head, the happier I will be. All I know that is I am fully stocked on candles and if the power goes out, I will have something in the way of light and the fireplace for heat. Candles don't give off a lot of heat even if you burn 10 at once. I'm hoping that things won't be too bad. I don't want to go through 2020's snow storm fiasco again. Days of no electricity and running waster was horrible.

I finally bit the bullet and cancelled my Barkbox add on. What Jake and Sydney had was a double Barkbox and since Jake is gone, Sydney doesn't need 4 new toys every month and 4 bags of treats. So she is just getting a regular Barkbox now. It's still so strange not having Jake around and how many adjustments that still need to be made to not having him here. Today is the day that I had put away Jake's bedding that was in my room and I have started to adjust to not having Jake snoozing on my bed at night. I still say goodnight though.

For the past couple months, I have been wearing no 5 and craving it at all times. Other favorites seem to annoy me at the moment but I am starting to crave Tobacco Vanille more and more and starting to hanker for Lost Cherry. I have travel sprays of both and I am debating on when the Sephora spring sale comes, do I want to go down the Lost Cherry or the Tobacco Vanille full bottle route? I have enough no 5 to last me for the next 10 years. It's funny on how I've never paid a whole lot of attention to Tom Ford offerings. Maybe his prices are even more outrageous than Amouage's prices. We shall see what the future brings between now and April.

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