Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Perfumes That Have Grown on Me

Every time Surrender to Chance or The Perfumed Court has some sort of sale, I am taking a look and most likely buying a decant or two. It just happens, I could ignore it but I don't. There is always something that I read that puts a certain perfume on my radar or back on my radar. I have rediscovered my copy of The Guide by Luca Turin and was looking through it. I came across his review of Ubar and suddenly, I had a craving to try it again.

Even though I hated Ubar but tried to find something good to say about it, I hadn't smelled it in years. But I had to try it again. Why? I knew that when I tried Ubar, I was still pretty new to the scene with niche. Now since I am not so new, I wanted to give Ubar another look. I have lost the whole bug spray thing that I smelled years ago and now I am rocking it. So now I am thinking that a full bottle is on my list.

Do I have a couple others that I that are growing on me? Yep but I am having trouble remembering what they are. And that is what happens with a large collection of perfume, things getting lost in the shuffle.

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