Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Eclipse and Amouage Dia

 In spite of working Monday, I did manage to catch the eclipse. Working retail, I wasn't so sure that I would be allowed to see any of it. The store manager had said as long as we didn't have customers in the department or on the phone, we could watch the eclipse. Everyone expected the store to be a ghost town until quarter to 4. It was nice enough but I sure as shit didn't appreciate the idiots in the housing development setting off fireworks during it. Fireworks can be fun but even with the sun being fully covered, it wasn't dark enough for it. Maybe someone wanted to attempt some kind of cool pictures but the whole concept was pretty stupid (setting off fireworks). There was so much talk about this eclipse over the past year, I think that it wasn't really worth the hype.

Usually as a rule, I don't wear any Amouage offerings at work but Monday was a little bit of an exception. I had a wicked craving for it. I remember in my early days of perfume collecting, I wore the living daylights out of Dia. Now, not so much. While I still love the first 10 minutes and it's massive aldehyde blast, there is something that really starts to bother me after about 3 or 4 hours and for the life of me, I can't pinpoint where or why it bothers me. I would still like to give Dia 40 a go. 

But I have noticed that STC and TPC haven't been adding a whole lot to their stock or even replenishing things like they have in years past. I wonder if  inflation or shipping issues is to blame. That is probably part of it. I have to keep in mind that Amouage is a pretty expensive brand. STC hasn't had a sale in a long time, the last one was probably shortly before the pandemic and TPC had one at New Year's I think. But I haven't been buying decants all that often. Now is not the time to be seeking out decants anyway.

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